Posy Community

Infant through 18 months

“The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth.” – Maria Montessori

Posy Community - Our Infant Program

Our Infant program offers a space for your infant to explore and developmentally grow safely. Our job as educators is to observe and serve every child and determine what each child needs to make the most significant progress.

Our Infant classroom has specially designed furniture that supports independence, including a pull-up bar, mirrors to reflect gross motor movement, individualized cribs, an infant Pikler Triangle, and tables with safety chairs. Each child has sets of their own cubbies containing their personal necessities, including diapers, creams, wipes, and also snacks.

We accommodate each child whether they breastfeed or bottle feed. We also have a refrigerator inside the classroom with the child’s food and milk labeled.

Posy Community Teachers

Posy Margaret
Ms. Margaret
Lead Posy Community Guide
Female Avatar
Ms. Morgan
Posy Community Guide
Female Avatar
Ms. Kyala
Posy Community Guide
Female Avatar
Ms. Colleen
Posy Community Guide

We compiled our frequently asked questions here. Please feel free to ask us about anything you need to know, so we can add more answers right here. Thanks in advance!

 Infants that are enrolled in our classroom can enroll at 6 weeks old and transition to our Toddler Community at 18 months old considering the social, emotional, and cognitive needs for each child.

Daily necessities such as, diapers, wipes, creams, milk, bottles, snacks, crib sheets, blanket/sleep sack, pacifier if needed, and weather appropriate extra clothes.

When weather permits, children will take walks in the stroller outside and enjoy outside activities within their playground area.

If your child is sick, we will contact you for pick up via phone call, your child may not return until fever and/or symptom free for 24hrs without medication. See the parent handbook for further information about our illness policy

  1. Hours of operation are 7 am-5:30 pm Monday through Friday, except for weekends and holidays or weather-related days.
  2. We do not provide lunch or snacks at our school; however, we provide juice and water.
  3. Tuition is due on Monday of each week unless you are approved to pay monthly.
  4. Withdraw: We require a 30-day written notice; your 30 days must be paid out whether the child attends.
  5. Late fee: Late fees will be issued when tuition is not paid on the payment date. See the parent handbook.
  6. Holidays and continuing education: Scheduled on our school calendar. We may close for inclement weather, and parents are notified in advance.
  7. Communication apps: Transparent Classroom, Remind, School Email, Phone Calls, Facebook and Instagram
  8. Toys: Please do not allow your child to bring toys, candy, gum, etc. to school.

Our School-aged Program Rates

  • Before/After – $87.50
  • Early Dismissal-$15.00
  • Before Only-$72.50
  • After Only -$72.50
  • Drop in Only $25.00
  • Summer Program $155.00
  • (Summer activity fees$200.00)

Questions? Drop us a note