Lilac Community
We have two Toddler Classrooms - Ages 18 months to 3 years
“The child gives us a beautiful lesson – that in order to form and maintain our intelligence, we must use our hands.” – Maria Montessori
Lilac Community
Our toddler Montessori guide is trained and focuses on autonomy, separation, and toilet training. In partnership with parents, toddlers are gradually able to separate from their parents. The Montessori-trained guide supports the child’s natural development by placing focus on the encouragement of independence. Through these interactions, toddlers begin to form their character, self-esteem,
purpose of life, social and emotional skills, and learning processes. The toddler classroom focuses on practical life exercises, activities for sensorimotor, and language development, and experiences in art and sciences.
The classroom is designed so that they can choose and move about, independently. Montessori materials and activities help toddlers to begin experiencing the concepts of sequence, form, shape, movement, and sound. The materials and activities change and evolve as the child grows physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
The outdoor environment is crucial to the development of young children,
providing a natural and curious exploration that creates an inner spiritual need
for toddlers.
Lilac Community Teachers
What do you need for your child?
Summer Protocols
Illness Policy
Things you should know
We compiled our frequently asked questions here. Please feel free to ask us about anything you need to know, so we can add more answers right here. Thanks in advance!
Children will transition out of the Pre-Primary room at three or when they are developmentally ready. We require your child to be potty trained before transitioning to the Primary rooms.
Daily necessities such as, diapers, wipes, creams, milk, bottles, snacks, crib sheets, blanket, pacifier if needed, and weather appropriate extra clothes.
When weather permits, children will take walks in the stroller outside and enjoy outside activities within their playground area.
If your child is sick, we will contact you for pick up via phone call, your child may not return until fever and/or symptom free for 24hrs without medication. See the parent handbook for further information about our illness policy
- Hours of operation are 7 am-5:30 pm Monday through Friday, except for weekends and holidays or weather-related days.
- We do not provide lunch or snacks at our school; however, we provide juice and water.
- Tuition is due on Monday of each week unless you are approved to pay monthly.
- Withdraw: We require a 30-day written notice; your 30 days must be paid out whether the child attends.
- Late fee: Late fees will be issued when tuition is not paid on the payment date. See the parent handbook.
- Holidays and continuing education: Scheduled on our school calendar. We may close for inclement weather, and parents are notified in advance.
- Communication apps: Transparent Classroom, Remind, School Email, Phone Calls, Facebook and Instagram
- Toys: Please do not allow your child to bring toys, candy, gum, etc. to school.